For the purposes of foster care benefits, care for a child provided by a person in the register (a person kept in the register of persons who can provide foster care for a temporary period) and by a caregiver is considered as foster care.

Kontaktní pracoviště Olomouc, Vejdovského 988/4, Hodolany, 77900 Olomouc

Personal data

Please fill in the surname.
Please fill in your first name.
Please fill in the Email address.

Date of visit, time of day

Week 38
Monday, 9/16/2024
Tuesday, 9/17/2024
Wednesday, 9/18/2024
Week 39
Monday, 9/23/2024
Tuesday, 9/24/2024
Wednesday, 9/25/2024
Please choose one of the free dates.
Please confirm your consent before sending.
Please fill in the value.

After sending the completed form, expect an information letter in your e-mail box with instructions on how to process the ordered service. Please read them carefully.